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SearchNorwich 5

St Georges Works, 51 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1DD

10 February 2019 at 18:00:00

Register on Eventbrite (Free)

Event summary

Jack Bamfield

It’s a big one for both SEO and PPC. We’ll firstly have Jack Bamfield coming up from Verve Search in London to talk about getting the right angles for outreach. This means Jack is going to be talking about an area that isn’t talked about as much as it should be in SEO – link acquisition. We all know that getting websites to link to you is core to having a healthy ranking in Google, so Jack is going to go through some of the finer points of achieving this.

I’m also really excited that we’ll have Eva Wilkes from local agency Fountain who will be doing a talked called Awesome audiences: Targeting techniques for success on the Google Display Network. It’s fairly common to see Google Ads and PPC talks that cover the search side, but again we’re going to be treated to a talk that’s a little different. Google’s display network is huge and the opportunities are vast – but success is not easily won.

Our selected charity this month is OPEN Youth Trust, which I’m sure many of you will have heard of but many not know much about, so we’ve arranged for Angela Brett, then OPEN Development Manager to come and fill in the blanks!

The schedule

The venue 

The speakers

Key takeaways


In particular, I focus on the three main areas of the outreach role, and where I believe a PR skillset can best be applied to outreach campaigns

  • Story – Crafting the right angles for a story, ensuring your ideas will interest journalists.

  • Outreach – Ensuring your pitch stands out to the right journalist with a direct, punchy email.

  • Ideation – Deep-dive research of your target industry, knowing what’s out there and where you can contribute.

Throughout the talk, I talk about relevant examples of campaigns I’ve worked on from both roles and specific campaigns, how a PR client with a national reputation can be managed, and how PR and SEO interact in delivering outreach campaigns.

Jack Bamfield

Getting the right angles for outreach

Key takeaways

  • Introduction to useful, high-converting audiences and how they prevent wasted spend

  • How businesses of any size can use remarketing to leverage high-quality site content, increasing return traffic and cementing brand awareness. 

  • In-depth look at why, when and how to build Custom Affinity audiences, taking targeting decisions away from Google and putting it back in the hands of the advertiser for maximum ROI.

Eva Wilkes

Awesome audiences

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