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SearchNorwich 6

St Georges Works, 51 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1DD

9 April 2019 at 17:00:00

Register on Eventbrite (Free)

Event summary

Stacey MacNaught
Marco Barra

After the last event's brilliant feedback, we’re bringing you more content marketing – but at lower budgets. First you’ll see experience marketer Marco Barra who will be explaining how you can improve your marketing with a bird’s eye view, in his talk Jack of all trades, master of one. We’re then joined by Stacey MacNaught, coming down from Manchester to explain how you can find content marketing success on lower budgets in, Honey, I shrunk the content marketing budget!

Our selected charity this month is Age UK Norfolk.

The schedule

The venue 

The speakers

Key takeaways


  • With a dynamic and changing digital marketing sector, there are so many skills to learn now and so much competition marketers are being told to broaden their skillsets

  • T-Shaped Marketers will have broad knowledge covering a wide range of digital tactics whilst having an in-depth knowledge in 1/2 specific areas

  • Don't stop learning, there's lots of resources available to continuously expand your digital horizons

Marco Barra

Jack of all trades, master of one

Key takeaways

  • History has shown that big budgets will bring in lots of backlinks, but this isn't always needed!

  • For SME's there are some great low cost methods of content production in the slides, and getting links through media kits

  • Getting market research data is cheaper than you think! Google Surveys and Strawpolls are your best friend here, as are Freedom of Information requests

  • Content that generates links and buzz can always be achieved on the budget, the idea is the most important part

Stacey MacNaught

Honey, I shrunk the content marketing budget!

Our sponsors